There are those who say we are Prisoners Here

"The recycling of souls is the machinery of this universe." Roswell ET according to Linda Moulton Howe This is a subject that any seeker should explore, not shy away from, because it's been around for ages. The Gnostics called it the demiurge. Plato's cave portrays the prisoner as well. More and more, modern day experiencers … Continue reading There are those who say we are Prisoners Here

Grant Cameron, Paola Harris, Consciousness, and UFOs

Lifelong researcher, Grant Cameron, defines the UFO phenomenon as entirely consciousness related.  So do physicists Roger Penrose and John Wheeler. So did Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his Noosphere philosophy. Tesla said that once science starts investigating consciousness, the world will advance more in the next ten years than it ever has before. Many intelligent … Continue reading Grant Cameron, Paola Harris, Consciousness, and UFOs

This Helps us Understand “What is Consciousness?”

As we continue to see daily headlines of "credible" researchers publishing their latest perplexed thoughts and ideas trying to scientifically describe an answer to the question "What is Consciousness" that glaze one's eyes over for the lack of information contained in the article, "experiencers" who are the ever growing number of people who have had … Continue reading This Helps us Understand “What is Consciousness?”